discover how astrology can impact your life.


Astrology Readings

It all begins with looking at your unique birth chart. These readings will help to identify and uncover the energies that impact specific areas of your life. We’ll distinguish your major influences and strengths, and discuss opportunities for you to grow and come into your own. Ultimately, these chart readings will help you take loving ownership of your inner resources and abilities.

Love, Sex, and Commitment

This reading will include: an in-depth look at your fifth and seventh houses and their rulers, as well as the role of Venus and Mars in your chart.

45 mins $50 exchange

Money, Work, and Ambition

This reading will include: an in-depth look at your second, sixth, and tenth houses and their rulers.

45 mins $50 exchange

Self-Expression and the Search for Meaning

This reading will include: an in-depth look at the first and ninth houses and their rulers, as well as the role of the Sun and Jupiter in your chart.

45 mins $50 exchange

Full Chart Reading

An in-depth look at your sun, moon, and rising, and a full exploration of the other planetary influences in your chart.

60 mins $65 exchange


Tarot Readings

My tarot reading style is affirming, straightforward, and empowering. Over the course of our session, you will gain a more centered, grounded understanding of this particular juncture of your life. We’ll use the tarot as a tool to help you access your own inner knowledge and guidance.

Full Tarot Reading

45 mins $50 exchange

3-Card Reading

25 mins $25 exchange